Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Well i figured that i should write something on my blog since i haven't since i've gotten it. I am procrastinating on writing on my blog, and now i am procrastinating my school work by writing on my blog! Yup, that's me...a procrasinator! but really, who isn't? If you are reading this note right now, YOU ARE PROCRASTINATING! Point made :)

So it is 10:19 pm right now and I am in Jennie's room on her computer, and she is reading a book...probably not procrastinating...:) So i'm stuck, not really sure what to write now, lol... today i had classes at U of M, and one of them was psychology. I really enjoy that class and find the information interesting, but also very frustrating at the same time! We are covering evolution right now, and seeing pictures of a half man half ape in my textbook just makes me want to i am getting a little more stressed as more midterms are drawing near, and a little nervous for my spanish exam next week cause there is a lot to memorize! Languages are tomorrow I don't have classes, and i intend to work a lot here at home and get lots of reading and studying done. I find it really hard to buckle down and study when there are so many things i think about that I would rather be doing. Going for a walk and taking advantage of this beautiful weather before the blasted manitoban - 40 degree weather plus wind chill come to greet us at our door step...or watching Buffy, Facebooking, sitting on our deck and watching people as they walk by (not in a creepy way) or simply sitting on the couch and staring into space thinking about absolutely nothing! I am fond of that one, haha. Anyways, I should be off now. Good night all! And don't let the bed bugs bite :)


Jennie said...

excellent procrastination make a valid point.

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